4/4 Xtool AutoproPAD G3 Core vs Xtool AutoproPAD G3 Evolution Technical Analysis

4/4 Xtool AutoproPAD G3 Core vs Xtool AutoproPAD G3 Evolution Technical Analysis

This is the last part of the technical analysis comparing AutoproPAD G3 Core and AutoproPAD G3 Evolution...


Ultimately it boils down to the cost of each system. AutoproPAD G3 Core is priced appropriately considering that it can perform pretty much everything when it comes to diagnosing common automotive problems. The price is suitable for smaller shops or independent mechanics that are building the skillset towards more complex systems and diagnostics tasks without the need to learn about more advanced functions. 


AutoproPAD G3 Evolution on the other hand is positioned in the more expensive spectrum, owing mainly to the premium diagnostics features that it can perform on top of the generic diagnostics it is already excellent at performing. So, while it is expensive compared to the G3 Core, it is priced appropriately relative to what it can do for high-end professional workshops which is really its target market.